The adventure continues at Centre College. It's a two year Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy position. One hope is that during my time there that I'll (finally) begin revising my dissertation. The good news is that I've had such a long time away from it, and have published some since finishing, that I feel the book will be much better than if I had worked on it directly after finishing my D.Phil.. Working out in more detail Henry's theory of real relations was essential (in "Henry of Ghent on Real Relations and the Trinity: The Case for Numerical Sameness Without Identity").
This summer I'll be finishing up some book reviews, a chapter on Duns Scotus' religious epistemology for a collection of essays, and prepare for the Fall semester.
This summer I'll be finishing up some book reviews, a chapter on Duns Scotus' religious epistemology for a collection of essays, and prepare for the Fall semester.